F5 Distributed Cloud Platform

Cloud-native networking, security, and app management

The F5 Distributed Cloud Platform delivers improved functionality, advanced security controls, and more simplified operations than native services from cloud providers.


A cloud-based platform that is purpose-built to support distributed applications across multi-cloud, on-premises and edge environments.

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As applications evolve through microservices and increased dependencies on APIs, new highly distributed architectures are introducing greater complexities, costs, and increased risks.

Excessive cost

Excessive cost

Multiple appliances, software, and connectivity services must be deployed and managed to deliver apps.

Operational complexity

Operational complexity

Services with different APIs, policy, and observability require investments in automation.

Siloed teams and processes

Siloed teams and processes

Difficult to align DevOps, NetOps, and SecOps across service provisioning and security using ticket-based workflows.

Poor app performance

Poor app performance

Traditional CDNs and hub-spoke networks were not designed for immersive or large-scale SaaS apps.

Inconsistent security compliance

Inconsistent security

Apps deployed across distributed environments are not equally protected.

Lack of visibility

Lack of visibility

Multiple toolsets used by different teams provide a disjointed view of operations.

Why Distributed Cloud Platform?


A multi-tenant platform with no cloud provider integrations or third-party services, for a 70% cost savings.

Operational simplicity

Up to 12x reduction in time-to-market with an integrated, consistent set of SaaS-based services across any environment.

Increased collaboration

Self-service with separation of duties allows developers, DevOps, NetOps, and SecOps to openly collaborate.

Improved app performance

Applications and workloads can be deployed closer to users on the F5 Global Network.

Integrated security

Advanced AI/ML mitigates threats and enforces security policies across distributed environments.

End-to-end observability

A single portal shared by NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps for holistic view of app security and performance.

Platform Overview

Connects, secures, and manages apps in the cloud, on-prem, at the edge, or in the F5 Global Network.

A modern SaaS-based platform that consolidates multiple services across monolithic and microservices apps to simplify app management, security, and network connectivity across distributed infrastructure.

Connects, secures, and manages apps in the cloud, on-prem, at the edge, or in F5 data centers


SaaS-based platform to simplify operations and life cycle management.

Global private network

High-performance network for faster workload connectivity.


Complete network and namespace isolation.


Advanced telemetry across infrastructure, apps, and network.

Broad Platform and Cloud Provider Support

Distributed Cloud Services can be delivered to apps running on any platform on any public/private cloud. Connect and secure apps running in VMs, containers, bare metal, or serverless.

Service Discovery and Service Mesh Integrations

Supports multiple service discovery protocols simultaneously: Consul, Kubernetes, and DNS work out of the box. Istio or Linkerd service mesh can integrate with a Distributed Cloud Services ingress/egress gateway.

Automation, Alerting, and SIEM Integration

F5’s native Terraform provider, vesctl CLI tool, and public APIs address the automation needs of app teams. Support for tools like Opsgenie or Slack for alerting and Splunk or Datadog for SIEM simplify life for DevOps and SecOps teams.

Ways to Deploy

Distributed Cloud Services deliver application management, networking, and security services closer to workloads and can be deployed in public and private clouds, on-premises data centers, and edge sites with centralized management via a SaaS-based console.

Manage and protect application workloads hosted in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Manage and protect application workloads from any of the points of presence (PoPs) on the F5 global network.

Manage and protect applications at the data center and edge sites.


Real-World Use Case Simulator


Real-World Use Case Simulator

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The Third Wave of Cloud Networks: Multi-Cloud Networking Market Growth Drivers

Read the report ›


Multiple Clouds Versus Multi-Cloud

Read the blog ›

"We are excited to work with F5 to architect an unprecedented edge computing environment across our 5G network. F5 has demonstrated that it solves critical operational challenges within existing telco cloud service offerings, increasing operator efficiency and revenue streams while delivering a cloud-native experience that will drive developer adoption."

Keiichi Makizono

SVP & CIO, SoftBank Corp.

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