Cloud-Native Applications Report

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Cloud-native architectures are the preferred way to deliver modern applications, faster to market and closer to new customers.

To meet these business needs, DevOps teams have a lot of choices in front of them, and more challenges to face, some familiar and some new. Security, compliance, training, and cost management play a critical role in delivering cloud-native applications and the platforms developers rely on. It’s time to simplify.

This report dives into what drives success for cloud-native applications and architectures, keeping customers’ trust by providing a secure and fast digital experience.

ESG Report Key Findings

Modern architectures come with common challenges

Security, infrastructure dependencies still challenge cloud-native apps.

Cloud-native success relies on agility and automation

Iterative methodologies and GitOps drive next-gen modern applications.

Simplify cloud-native delivery with modern app platforms

Providing developer-ready infrastructure is critical for cloud transitions.